Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Without You

By Philip Molestina

A story of man that lost the love of his life. Ever since he was a young man, he had a desire to love a girl. To walk down a road at sunset and hold her hand. Just a life together nothing more and nothing less.

Why decades later was this simple desire from the heart so difficult. How come life begins to flourish with so many romantic feelings and than it seems so quickly to get complicated with bills, work schedules, children and a number of other constraints that squash the feelings of just holding hands and loving someone?

Where did we make life so complicated. What number of things are raised up between 2 people that compell one of them to seek a life separate from the other?

Where are the vows and the plans of a life together for ever?

I have heard many people say, yes marriage is not easy. You got to work at it, it is give and take. Incredible that those moments that we are discovering that new relationship all is a smooth ride.

I can't help to think that we have some fault along the way and seek to complicate the relationship between 2 people.

If at some level we could maintain a portion of the inocense that you can see in children in our relationships, I think we would be so much happier.

Kids don't seem to complicate there lives. They see things through a set of 
prisms we as adults don't seem to have available.

Oh how important it is today to rescue, that simple love that we at one time had with the person we have selected to have in our life for ever. 

May we find the strength to tear down the weeds and to remove the rubble that has vanquished that which we once cherished with all our might. 

This week I am fortunate enough to celebrate what at times is becoming a rarity, 20 years of marriage. Two decades, I never gave much thought if this time would come, I just lived my life with the desire that marriage would continue.

Challenges of many types have come across the spectrum of the last 20 years, yet here we stand with my wife on the brink of crossing the 20 year marker.

Is this reason to believe that the 21, 22 or 25th year is guaranteed? No of course not anything could happen but I seek to believe that this will continue not as a result of sheer luck but instead on that basis that God has a purpose for us as a marriage. We still have a task at hand that demands that we be together.

My faith is the foundation and the fuel is reaching back to the simple times of love and new beginings that brought us together 20 years ago. Believing that those foundations are key and will alllow us to continue.

My parting thought is that the reason that I chose to marry was because I did not want to be without you my love. And 20 years later the thought is the same, I have no desire to be without you and pray and hope that I would never have to encounter a day without you.

Happy 20 year anniversary Normita, I love you!
August 29, 2012

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Nineteen Years

By Philip Molestina

About this time 19 years ago I was walking into the Buechel Woman's Club, the place my new wife and I had selected to celebrate our wedding reception.    

With our marriage only few hours old, we entered the place where family and freinds eagerly awaited our arrival. At the time I could never imagine all things that would transpire over the coming 19 years. As the melodies of “Achey Breaky Heart” , by Billy Ray Cyrus, was blasted across the reception hall little did I understand that the forthcoming  the years of marriage would bring to my wife and I, our own dose  of achey heart's. 

A strange thing at times it seems that marriage can be. Two people from completely different upbringings, would more than certainly butt heads one to many times.  Thus marriage for it to last becomes at times moments of give and take. Times of great experiences. Times of storms.

However in the end the glue that holds it all together is the certainty that the vows made to each other are forever.  What is sworn before God must be kept. Praying that at all times one or the other will rise up to recall that the promises made must be kept.

So it is than that 19 years later though others may see that my wife Norma and I are still married, the true legacy of what has transpired is being left for my children Andrea, Monica and Philip.

My personal prayer :  That the one sole example they should carry on onto their homes, is that marriage is forever.  May they erase from their minds any doubt that marriage is something you do until things become difficult.

Marriage today desperately has to be taught that it is forever.  Any other option undermines God's plan for the foundation that every society needs to be successful.

So to my beautiful wife Norma as we celebrate todays 19 years of marriage,  thank you for joining me in leaving a legacy that is greater than anything else we could ever do for our children and those close to us.

Happy Anniversary!
Te amo
August 29, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011



by Philip Molestina

I was not surpised when I called my father this morning to wish him a happy 83rd birthday and discovered that he was up already, busy doing a number of things. My father many years ago refused the notion that a number of years would define what he could or couldn’t do.

He would cringe when told that he was afforded certain privileges like preferential seating because of the age bracket he had attained. A number people that have passed into their 8th decade of life would welcome some rest and relaxation but my dad simply does not see why that is necessary.

In his own way of looking at things there is always something that needs to be done. Not that he does not wind down and share a good nap and swim each week at the local Y. But with 7 children, 20 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren, it seems there is always something going on.

As some of my siblings, including myself approach and pass into our 50’s ,we have begun to live out our realization that the number of years that we have will not define us either. We have seen with our own eyes the example of a life lived to the fullest. A life that though it has seen many ups and downs, has come out on the other side at times perhaps bruised and scathed but the steady walk continues.

For those of us that ponder at times that we may have not accomplished much in life a simple thought comes to mind; those around us see and observe us at all times. A few years ago I read a high school paper that my nephew wrote about my dad. The paper had to do about his family and I recall clearly a few things he wrote.

My nephew as a young teenager wrote that from his family he learned the value of working hard, finishing school and getting a college education. The words where but a reflection of what my dad had sown into his children and was now being expressed by his grandchildren.

So dad, though we will still all keep on telling you to relax, to get down from the ladder, to close up the garage for the day - to simply just take it easy, we know it will fall on deaf ears. Your just “wired” to run all day and nothing will change that for now.

As long as it is up to you, you will be at upcoming ball games, graduations, baptisms. You will be fixing things at home and any home of your kids and grand kids. You will continue to pray &  worry about all of us from those over 50 to those not even a year old.

Some men leave behind, fortunes, estates, political careers and other forms of notoriety that the world admires. My dads legacy is simple; work hard, study, take hold of every daily opportunity that this country has, trust in God and keep on going.

Happy 83rd birthday dad and thanks for the example you have been to all that have gotten to know you. Your son, Philip.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Al mejor de los amigos...el año que se despide

By Norma Cabañas

Llorando por un año que se despide y nunca mas volveremos a ver. Este año nos hizo crecer, madurar, nos enseño que la felicidad viene y va, pero la vida hay que cuidar y vivirla. Este hermoso año le trajo a algunos familia, esposos, a otros nos llevo de viajes, y a otros los paso por experiencias dificiles pero dejandolos con una enseñanza de viviencias. Se nos va este año y lo lloro porque aunque querramos, no lo volveremos a ver, ni a vivir. Se queda el recuerdo en la mente, en el corazon, en las fotos, en los videos de que en estos 365 dias fuimos amados, bendecidos, y aunque el año se va, Dios permanece con nosotros. Brindemos con lagrimas del corazon, pero con sonrisas de gozo porque un año que llega, nos traerá mucho mas!

En cuanto a mi familia, este año nos promete Universidad para mi primera hija. Esperamos la llegada de un hijo que paso 3 años en otro pais y ahora que vuelve, vuelve con familia. Esperamos volver a ver a la famiilia que esta en mi tierra y esperamos estar juntos por el tiempo que Dios nos permita. Grandes esperanzas, grandes sueños y mucha anticipacion de lo que este nuevo año representa para nosotros.

Despedimos con lagrimas a este año como se despide a un ser querido, a un amigo que busca vida lejos de uno, como quien despide a una mascota que su vida llego a su fin, como se despide de una casa al mudarse a otra. Asi nos despedimos de este año...agradecidos.
Y brindamos por el nuevo amigo, la nueva casa, la nueva familia, el nuevo juguete, el carro nuevo y el nuevo bebe. Brindamos con alegria porque mientras hay vida hay esperanza.
En este año 2011 deseamos poder alcanzar vivir las cosas que no hemos podido, y te animamos a que luches por la felicidad que muchas veces se nos queda encerrado por muchas preocupaciones y trabajo. Lucha por reirte y sonreirte, lucha por hacer feliz al que esta a tu lado, lucha en contra de la monotonia y la rutina y vive y disfruta de cosas nuevas.

Julio Iglesias cantaba "Por eso y por mucho mas, nunca encontrare un amor igual..." por eso y por mucho mas nunca olvidare un año como este año...a todos los que lean esta nota, les digo "no pasen sus dias sin amar y sin ser felices" life is too short.
Por un año cargado de nuevas experiencias...SALUD!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Street Child

by Philip Molestina

"Let the little children come to me.."

As that verse came to my mind today, it seemed such a contrast to the young girl age 7 or 8, I saw at a bustling street corner in Asunción last night. In Asunción, Paraguay like in many cities in Latin America children can be found at busy street corners juggling a few things or doing some other creative thing to entertain motorists in return for few coins.

As the father of a young child under age 10 what I saw last night gave me an unusual burden. On one hand I felt blessed that in Louisville the city where I reside with my family that even though children may have needs and challenges, it does not compare to what children face in places like Asunción. However it is difficult to forget the image of the young girl standing in the middle of scores of vehicles at that busy street corner.

My only purpose in writing this article is though it is very difficult to comprehend why situations like this exist around the world; we need to have a better appreciation of what God has given us. Myself included at times fret about so many small things that happen in our daily lives that we fail to see what we really have. Worse still is when we experiment anxiety because we cannot fulfill the whims and desires of our children.
It’s not about feeling guilt but instead in realizing that God has allowed many of us to escape the hardships a great majority of families in the world go through on a daily basis to obtain the basic necessities.

We run the danger of living so self absorbed with fulfilling our next need that we leave no room as people of God to approach the Lord in earnest prayer and intercession for those less fortunate. You may think, what can my prayers and intercession for the children that spend their waking hours at street corners hustling for a few coins, do?

I venture to trust and hope that the prayers raised to the Lord will allow this young girl to possibly have a different life in the future. I have faith that the prayers of many will allow people of God to become agents of change in cities around the world. I am confident more than anything else that the prayers by the people of God will place a burden upon Christian people in cities around the world to make a difference.

Some may say how can prayer of the people of God change things? The answer lies in the words of Jesus, he cared for the young children of His day and He still cares for them today। Our prayers and efforts must break through anything that impedes the little children to come to Jesus.

Pray that foremost husbands and wives will seek to raise families under Gods design. And that those children that have Christ as the savior and leader of their lives will seek to transmit those values and principles in the society in which they are being raised. The process will take time however the results will be evident, as the street intersection of cities empty themselves of little children and children fill instead the playgrounds and parks of these cities around the world.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cruzando la Meta

Se hablo mucho de este día y quizás muchos pensaron que no llegaría. Sin embargo hoy culmina el proceso que comenzó hace unos 300 días. Esta fase que se termina hoy marca quizás una de las cosas más importantes que haz hecho en tu vida; la conclusión de tu 1er año de Instituto Bíblico.

Iglesias en todo el mundo están llenas de personas con buenas intenciones con gran corazón para servir. Sin embargo estas mismas iglesias carecen de un cuerpo de personas preparadas en el conocimiento de la Palabra de Dios. Sin personas que conozcan y comprendan la Palabra de Dios una iglesia corre el riesgo de solo ser un proveedor de "buenas obras y servicios".

Tengo el gran orgullo de proclamar en este día que en la ciudad de Louisville-Kentucky, en la iglesia He Visto la Luz, existe un grupo de personas que se están preparando para formarse para ir hacer discípulos de todas las naciones.

Este primer año de instituto que terminan el conocimiento que han adquirido es importante. Sin embargo de mayor importancia es el compromiso y dedicación que han desplegado cada jueves de estos 10 meses. Muchos dejaron cada jueves a hijos, esposos y el mismo cansancio a un lado para cumplir con su obligación.

Por ese motivo, esta noche que terminan su último día de este primer año disfruten juntos el cruce de esta meta. Y prepárence para la celebración y ceremonia merecida el día 27 de Junio ante las personas que asisten a la iglesia. Hace un año te encontrabas entre un grupo de personas que asistían a la iglesia. Pero hoy luego de 10 meses junto con tus otros compañeros de Logos haz comenzado una carrera que te llevará un nivel que jamás habías pensado.

De todo lo que has aprendido y conocido estos últimos 10 meses, nadie ni nada te lo puede arrebatar. Haz sembrado en ti algo que perdurará para siempre. Felicitaciones estoy muy orgullosos de todos ustedes!

Pastor Philip Molestina

Siembra un pensamiento y cosecharás una acción;
Siembra una acción y cosecharás un hábito;
Siembra un hábito y cosecharás un carácter;
Siembra un carácter y cosecharás un destino.

Samuel Smiles

Friday, May 21, 2010

Nos Cuesta Creer a Dios

Por Philip Molestina

No importa por mas fe que profesamos tener, cuando en nuestro horizonte no vemos de una manera visible el recurso o el milagro para resolver nuestra necesidad, raíces de duda comienzan a crecer en nuestro interior. Es triste admitirlo pero la billetera vacía o ese ser amado que aun no recibido la sanidad nos conduce a pensar "en mi situación Jesús no puede hacer nada..".

Juan capítulo 11 nos dice que hasta 2 mujeres muy cercanas a Jesús, Marta y María, dudaron de la capacidad milagrosa de Jesús. Sin embrago fue a una de ellas a la que Jesús le dijo: " No te he dicho que se crees verás la gloria de Dios?"

Y eso es el reto para todos nosotros en estos días; creer. Creer que si hasta aquí el Señor nos ha proveído, cuidado y bendecido en gran manera, no le seguirá haciendo? Eso no significa que no existirá necesidad, o que toda situación que enfrentamos, se resolverá de la manera que deseamos.

El creer que el Señor pide de nosotros es en su poder; "Dios tiene poder para hacer mucho más de lo que le pedimos. ¡Ni siquiera podemos imaginarnos lo que Dios puede hacer para ayudarnos con su poder! Efesios 3:20

Aun en este día no
comprendemos el poder de Cristo. Somos como María y Marta las hermanas de Lázaro. Lo único que ellas querían era que Jesús llegara a tiempo y sanara a su hermano enfermo. Jesús sin embargo quería enseñarles a ellas dos, que el tenia el poder de hacer algo mucho mas que una sanidad.

Frente a la tumba de su hermano Jesús mostró a Marta y María que el tenia el poder de hacer mucho mas que lo que ellas pidieron. Fue con 3 palabras que salieron de su boca, "Lázaro ven fuera!". Marta y María pidieron a Jesús una sanidad y el les dio una resurrección!

El tiempo de pedir en fe sin dudar, de dejar a un lado el doble ánimo es hoy. Aunque nuestra ojos no vean solución y nuestra mente diga no hay nada que se pueda hacer, recordemos que Jesús aun lo muerto pudo resucitar. Cree en la obra sobrenatural de Cristo en tu vida que será desatada por medio de esta promesa que El nos hace el día de hoy; "
No te he dicho que se crees verás la gloria de Dios?"